lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2013

Moodle MOOC 2

Starting October 1, 2013
Twitter Hashtag:  #moodlemooc

Starts tomorrow. Sign up now! - Empiece mañana. ¡Inscribense ya!

Sign in to WizIQ, then go over to Moodle for Teachers M4T and sign in there:

Select one of the course variations: Moodle for Beginners or Moodle for Non-beginners.

Enjoy your Moodling!

domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2013

Teaching with Technology - Part 3

Teaching with Technology - Week 4

Videos provide students with opportunities to be creative with multi-media and to teach as a way to learn. In addition, videos allow them to ask for support and focus on the how more than on the what.

Creating videos as instructional tools. You will learn how to screen-share and create movies using PowerPoint presentations, screen-captures, and WizIQ live classes, and how to upload the video clips to Youtube.

Well, I've revised the videos a few times, downloaded and read the article "Designing Digital Video for Learning and Development". What to do now?

Practice! Practice! Practice!

I'll practice making videos with PPT, Screen-shots, WizIQ and a couple of other "goodies" I have hidden up my sleeve. Will comment at the end of the week!

How To Embed Videos That Are Only Accessible Through Your Moodle Course

The problem with embedding or inserting links to Youtube's "Unlisted" videos in Moodle is that anybody who can see the video can pass the link on to  somebody else. Anyone who knows the video’s link can place the video in a playlist, even a public playlist. This could make the video visible on other parts of YouTube, including the homepage.

Your video could appear elsewhere on the web if you or anyone who you shared the video with shares it more broadly. For example, if somebody with whom you share the video goes on to share the link through an email or posts it on a blog, then all the people who access that link will be able to view the video.

So, how do we get around this problem? At the moment in Youtube we can't, but we can do it with Vimeo!
Or, better said, we can do it with Vimeo+, the paid for version of Vimeo (U.S. $60/annum).

Please take a look at this video that explains how to do it in Moodle.

lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2013

Teaching with Technology - Part 2

Teaching with Technology - Weeks 2 and 3.

Blog ... Blog ..... Blog ........ Wiki .................!

The last couple of weeks I went over the videos about blogging methods and Wikis and realized that there are a couple of videos missing from this collection! They're the videos by Nellie, "Blogs or Wikis?" and "Vlogging as a way to Blog" (this only available as link to WizIQ). I've also included a video about Vlogging and a very good one "Blog vs. Wiki in the Classroom", by Jo Fothergill of Room 10, New Zealand.

With the contents of these videos under ones belt, anyone can become a Blogging, Vlogging, Wiki-ing Maniac!

Blogs or Wikis?

Blogging for Personal and Professional Development
Using blogs as a way for teachers and students to develop personally and professionally.

Working Smarter Instead of Harder- Blogs as Tools to Curate Knowledge
BLOGS are discussed as a way to share and curate knowledge and best practice to push the professional in the trenches to a higher level and avoid duplication of processes, thereby making professionals more effective.

Blogging for Branding
Marketing is not just about what you're selling. It's also about who you are and what you can contribute.

Wikis for Collaborative Learning
Wiki can be used for personal and professional learning environments (PLEs) and for collaborative learning environments (CLEs). There are many kinds of Wikis (Wikispaces, PBworks and Wikimedia).

Vlogging as a way to Blog!

A very good video by Jo Fothergil explaining how she uses both Blogs and Wikis in the Classroom.

miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2013

Curso de Creación de MOOCs con Google Course Builder

Creación de MOOCs con Google Course Builder


Es un MOOC de cómo hacer MOOCs. El director del mismo es Ángel Hernández, analista del departamento de Ingeniería del Software de la UCAM, que lanza el primer curso de creación de MOOCs con Google Course Builder. Más info en:

Existen distintas herramientas disponibles para la creación de MOOCs, pero actualmente ninguna es tan potente como Course Builder de Google. Además de ser abierta, permite un total manejo de todas las piezas que ensamblan un curso desde su origen hasta su publicación. El alumno que termine el curso será capaz de crear su propio MOOC con Course Builder y publicarlo en la red, de manera que todos puedan acceder a sus unidades, lecciones, actividades y exámenes.

El curso consta de un primer examen de conocimientos básicos previos para saber en qué condiciones está el alumno antes de empezar. Ese examen de conocimientos básicos puede dar pistas a los alumnos de lo que se van a encontrar a lo largo del curso.


    Completada Examen de conocimientos básicos previos

    Unidad 1 - Que es un MOOC?

    Unidad 2 - Introducción

    Unidad 3 - Adaptando el curso a tu organización .

    Unidad 4 - Creando el calendario de unidades y exámenes.

    Examen de conocimientos hasta la fecha.

    Unidad 5 - Creando tus lecciones para tus unidades.

    Unidad 6 - Creando tus exámenes.

    Examen Final del curso

La primera unidad esta centrada en introducir la herramienta de Google para familiarizarnos un poco con su estructura interna.

La segunda unidad tratará sobre la adaptación del curso que estamos creando a una organización, a una imagen corporativa. Para finalizar con el proceso previo al puramente académico, crearemos el calendario de unidades y exámenes aún sin contenido. Al superar este último punto, se procederá a la realización de un examen para valorar los conocimientos adquiridos hasta este momento.

El siguiente paso es el realmente importante: Los contenidos. El alumno aprenderá a llenar de contenido la estructura anteriormente creada. Será capaz de crear sus propias lecciones y actividades y asociarlas a las unidades. Además, podrá generar exámenes para evaluar el conocimiento de sus futuros alumnos.

Por último, se evaluará el conocimiento del alumno en un examen final, que determinará las destrezas del alumno en la creación de sus cursos masivos con la herramienta Course Builder.

Enlaces relacionados con: Cómo crear un MOOC con Google Course Builder

    Course Buider Intro  Haga clic en CC en este video para instalar sub-títulos en español.
    ¿Qué es un MOOC?
    ¿Cómo se hace un MOOC?

domingo, 1 de septiembre de 2013

Teaching with Technology - Part 1

Teaching with Technology - Week 1

Don't forget to enrol free on WizIQ. If you are not a member you will not be able to see the course materials.

This is an open course for teachers who wish to teach blended and fully on-line programs. Participants will be able to take the course at their own pace or with Dr. Nellie Deutsch. The course will cover the following topics (amongst others):

1. Google Drive
2. WebQuests
3. WizIQ
4. Moodle
5. Video Blogging

Teaching with Technology from Dr. Nellie Deutsch on Vimeo.

Following are the first two classes of our course, as always two fantastic presentations by Dr. Nellie:

Blogs or Wikis

*Don't forget to open your blog page.

Creating an Account with Moodle and WizIQ

Signing up for new accounts and getting started in a Moodle course and on WizIQ. One of the hardest steps to teaching with technology is signing up and logging in. This is the first live on-line class of the course.

My recommendations for this first week:

1. Look at the class video, then return to the above presentation.

4. Join in the forums - write and answer entries that catch your eye and imagination.

5. Enjoy yourselves - have FUN.

Moodle Virtual Conference MMVC13

Moodle Virtual Conference MMVC13


Keep on Moo-oodling

Keep on Moo-oodling
Siguen Muu-deleando

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