lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2013

Teaching with Technology - Part 2

Teaching with Technology - Weeks 2 and 3.

Blog ... Blog ..... Blog ........ Wiki .................!

The last couple of weeks I went over the videos about blogging methods and Wikis and realized that there are a couple of videos missing from this collection! They're the videos by Nellie, "Blogs or Wikis?" and "Vlogging as a way to Blog" (this only available as link to WizIQ). I've also included a video about Vlogging and a very good one "Blog vs. Wiki in the Classroom", by Jo Fothergill of Room 10, New Zealand.

With the contents of these videos under ones belt, anyone can become a Blogging, Vlogging, Wiki-ing Maniac!

Blogs or Wikis?

Blogging for Personal and Professional Development
Using blogs as a way for teachers and students to develop personally and professionally.

Working Smarter Instead of Harder- Blogs as Tools to Curate Knowledge
BLOGS are discussed as a way to share and curate knowledge and best practice to push the professional in the trenches to a higher level and avoid duplication of processes, thereby making professionals more effective.

Blogging for Branding
Marketing is not just about what you're selling. It's also about who you are and what you can contribute.

Wikis for Collaborative Learning
Wiki can be used for personal and professional learning environments (PLEs) and for collaborative learning environments (CLEs). There are many kinds of Wikis (Wikispaces, PBworks and Wikimedia).

Vlogging as a way to Blog!

A very good video by Jo Fothergil explaining how she uses both Blogs and Wikis in the Classroom.

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